The Benefits of Drinking Bone Broth.
Bone broth is rich in collagen and gelatin, which are essential for maintaining healthy joints. It also contains glucosamine and chondroitin, compounds known to reduce joint pain and inflammation.
What to Eat Before Training
Eating the right foods before a workout can fuel your body, enhance performance, and prevent fatigue. Carbs are your body’s primary source of energy during exercise. They help fuel your muscles and improve endurance.
My One Week Split Workout Routine
A body part workout split focuses on targeting specific muscle groups each day, allowing for adequate recovery and maximizing strength and muscle growth.
The Importance of Post Workout Carbohydrates
While protein often gets the spotlight, post-workout carbs are equally important for optimizing recovery and performance. Carbohydrates are needed for the body to recover properly.
Male Training Workout
Here’s a three-set upper body superset workout plan. Supersets involve performing two exercises back-to-back with 1:00 rest in between, targeting different muscle groups to maximize efficiency.
Warm-Up (5-10 minutes)
• Light cardio (jogging, jumping jacks, or cycling)
Workout Plan
Superset 1: Chest and Back
1. Bench Press
• Sets: 4
• Reps: 10-15
• Rest: 1:00 seconds
• Sets: 4
• Reps: 10-15
• Rest: 1-2 minutes after completing both exercises
Superset 2: Shoulders and Upper Back
• Sets: 4
• Reps: 10-12
• Rest: 30 seconds
2. Pull-Ups (or Lat Pulldowns)
• Sets: 4
• Reps: 10- 15
• Rest: 1-2 minutes after completing both exercises
Superset 3: Arms
1. Bicep Curls
• Sets: 4
• Reps: 10-12
• Rest: 1:00 seconds
2. Tricep Dips
• Sets: 4
• Reps: 10-12
• Rest: 1-2 minutes after completing both exercises
Cool Down (5-10 minutes)
• Light cardio (walking or slow cycling)
• Static stretches (chest stretch, shoulder stretch, tricep stretch, etc.)
4 rounds:
Lower Body Workout Superset
Superset 1:
1. Squats
• 15 reps
• Rest 30 seconds
2. Deadlifts
• 12 reps
• Rest 60 seconds
Superset 2:
1. Lunges
• 15 reps per leg
• Rest 30 seconds
2. Leg Press
• 15 reps
• Rest 60 seconds
Superset 3:
1. Leg extensions
• 15 reps
• Rest 30 seconds
2. Calf Raises
• 20 reps
• Rest 60 seconds
Superset 4:
• 15 reps
• Rest 30 seconds
2. Hamstring Curls
• 15 reps
• Rest 60 seconds
1. Complete all exercises in Superset 1 before moving to Superset 2, and so on.
2. Perform 4 rounds of each superset with the specified rest periods.
3. Focus on maintaining good form throughout all exercises.
Cardio Burn Workout
• 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking
1. Jumping Jacks
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
2. High Knees
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
3. Burpees
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
4. Mountain Climbers
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
5. Butt Kicks
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
6. Skaters
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
7. Plank Jacks
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
8. Tuck Jumps
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
9. Sprint in Place
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
10. Cool Down:
• 5 minutes of stretching or walking to lower your heart rate
1. Perform each exercise for 1 minute at a high intensity, followed by 30 seconds of rest.
2. Complete all exercises in sequence for one round.
3. Aim to complete 2-3 rounds, depending on your fitness level and time available.
4. Focus on maintaining good form and pushing yourself during each exercise.
Female Training Workout
This routine includes exercises targeting all major upper body muscle groups: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Adjust the weights and repetitions according to your fitness level.
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
1. Jumping jacks - 2 minutes
2. Arm circles - 1 minute each direction
3. Push-ups (knees or full) - 2 sets of 10
4. Bodyweight squats - 2 sets of 15
Workout (45-60 minutes)
1. Push-ups
• 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Focus on proper form and full range of motion.
2. Dumbbell Bench Press
• 3 sets of 10-12 reps
• Choose a weight that challenges you by the last few reps.
3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
• 3 sets of 10-12 reps
• Can be done seated or standing.
• 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Keep your back straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top.
• 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Control the movement and avoid using momentum.
6. Bicep Curls
• 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Use dumbbells or a barbell.
7. Tricep Dips
• 3 sets of 10-12 reps
• Use a bench or chair, keep elbows close to your body.
• 3 sets of 10-12 reps per side
• Keep your core tight and avoid rotating your hips.
9. Face Pulls (with resistance band or cable)
• 3 sets of 15 reps
• Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together.
Cool Down (10 minutes)
1. Child’s pose - 1 minute
2. Shoulder stretch - 1 minute each side
3. Tricep stretch - 1 minute each side
4. Chest stretch - 1 minute
5. Upper back stretch - 1 minute
• Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets. {optional}
• Ensure proper form to avoid injuries.
• Adjust the weights to challenge yourself but maintain good form.
• Incorporate this workout 2-3 times per week, allowing at least one rest day in between sessions.
This routine targets all major lower body muscle groups: quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Adjust the weights and repetitions according to your fitness level.
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
1. High knees - 2 minutes
2. Leg swings - 1 minute each leg
3. Bodyweight squats - 2 sets of 15
4. Walking lunges - 2 sets of 10 per leg
Workout (45-60 minutes)
1. Barbell Squats
• 4 sets of 8-12 reps
• Focus on depth and keeping your chest up.
• 3 sets of 10-12 reps
• Keep a slight bend in your knees and hinge at your hips.
• 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg
• Use dumbbells for added resistance.
4. Leg Press
• 3 sets of 10-15 reps
• Adjust the foot position to target different muscles.
5. Walking Lunges
• 3 sets of 12-15 reps per leg
• Use dumbbells or a barbell for added resistance.
6. Hip Thrusts
• 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
7. Calf Raises
• 4 sets of 15-20 reps
• Can be done standing or on a leg press machine.
• 3 sets of 15-20 reps
• Focus on engaging your glutes throughout the movement.
Cool Down
1. Hamstring stretch - 12 seconds each leg
2. Quad stretch - 12 seconds each leg
3. Glute stretch - 1 minute each side
4. Calf stretch - 1 minute each leg
5. Hip flexor stretch - 1 minute each side
• Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets.
• Ensure proper form to avoid injuries.
• Adjust the weights to challenge yourself but maintain good form.
• Incorporate this workout 2-3 times per week, allowing at least one rest day in between sessions.
Cardio Burn Workout
• 5 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking
1. Jumping Jacks
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
2. High Knees
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
3. Burpees
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
4. Mountain Climbers
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
5. Butt Kicks
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
6. Skaters
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
7. Plank Jacks
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
8. Tuck Jumps
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
9. Sprint in Place
• 1 minute
• Rest 30 seconds
10. Cool Down:
• 5 minutes of stretching or walking to lower your heart rate
1. Perform each exercise for 1 minute at a high intensity, followed by 30 seconds of rest.
2. Complete all exercises in sequence for one round.
3. Aim to complete 2-3 rounds, depending on your fitness level and time available.
4. Focus on maintaining good form and pushing yourself during each exercise.